Saturday, July 17, 2010

What is Love?

For me...Love is sumtin that cant be explain...because love is sumtin u haf to someone...
There are many types of can be a Friendship love, Family love, Pet love....and especially Falling in love...
And i believe this question is the most difficult question for the mankind...
and i also believe that nobody will gif the same answer for this question...
Love is how people felt in their heart...i cant be comes naturally towards someone...
Love can cause someone to be caring, protective, romantic, sacrificing, and many many can cause anything...

But did u guys realize that LOVE is the main problem for almost everything??
War occurs because of the LOVE they felt for their country and the soldiers are willing to sacrifice themselves due to the Love for their country...
Fighting among human beings also caused by Lack of LOVE between them because they hate each other...
People suicide because they lack of LOVE...lack of care by their family and their loved ones..
People cried because of the death of their beLOVEd....
A mother love their child without any conditions...
So no one can gif the proper DEFINITION OF LOVE....

But pls dun ever ask me why do i LOVE u...the answer is i really dunno...
Even sometimes the feeling of Love is annoying...because it stops u from concentrating what u are doing right now because of missing someone..

I juz care for u for no reasons...because I LOVE U...sincerely from my heart..♥>

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